Sunday, November 21, 2010

Gmen v. Filthadelphia Birds

A good late game in Filthadelphia tonight.  Let's hope Justin Tuck breaks Michael Vick's dog-abusing face!

As you might figure, I listen to lots of sports radio.  This was particularly enjoyable during the San Francisco Giants amazing World Series victory this year.  I would have loved to seen the Yankees beat the Giants for baseball's ultimate prize, but i gotta thank Los Gigantes for providing the whole Bay Area with an awesome sports viewing experience. 

One of the biggest pricks on sports radio (there are many) has got to be Jim Rome.  It makes sense that an asshole of this proportion would be from Los Angeles.  If you have ever listened to Rome then you know that he calls his listeners, "The Clones".  I could never dial-in to "Rome is Burning", and have this prick refer to me as a "Clone".  I would much prefer to be a Howard Stern "Wack Packer" than a Jim Rome "Clone".

Regardless, the concept of giving a nickname to followers does seem like a good idea for a Blog.  Unfortunately, at this point, it appears the only followers of Aukie's blog are two good friends and my ex-wife.  That sounds more like a "menage-a-trois" than a legion of fans.  However, I am trying to come up with a good nickname for my Pastrami lovers.  Let me know if you have any good ideas for a nickname for the legion of carnivores who will soon discover Aukie's Pastrami. 

I am struggling here... "Gourmets" sounds like something from a Williams and Sonoma catalogue.  "Epicureans" sounds like Caligula's grape-eating perverts.  "Mentshes" sounds like you just read a good Torah portion at your Bar Mitzvah.  "Carnivores" is to broad and visions of Barney haunt me.  I will keep working on a nickname for you, but please let me know your thoughts. I will not degrade my followers since they must have sophisticated palates if they are Pastrami conniseurs.

Also, CLICK ON THE ADS!!  I get money for the click-thrus and I will use this for shipping the pastrami to you.  So, if you are a taste tester..CLICK ON THE ADS.. Please :)

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